New Products
We have designed class I,II and III medical devices for our customers ranging in product cost from $10 to $500K. For complex medical devices we have helped companies to build a team and design a product from concept to launch. The product we have helped in launching are generating revenue from few million to a Billion dollar.
When customer has a new concept and wants to launch a product. We have helped them in evaluating what features to have and what value each feature can bring. We have helped in the design, development of an optimized product in a short period by running simulation in parallel.
Class I Devices
Led a team to launch 110 new cutting accessories at Stryker in 1 year.

Class II Devices
Helped in the design and development of waste management product Neptune. We also performed cost reduction of Neptune by changing Vacuum regulator, redesigning canister and changing material of the chassis, changing several suppliers resulting in 20% cost savings ( $40 million in cost savings). In 2012 it was a $200 Million product line

Helped in design and development of autoplex mixer for Stryker. Converted previous design of Mix3 bowl which had metallic parts into plastic parts to reduce cost and make it disposable.

Class III Devices
Helped in the design and development of Post Traumatic Reconstruction System (PTRS): Trauma

US Patent 20160157996
Designed and developed Curvature Changing Accomodation lens . This lens could accommodate two diopter accommodation in bench testing. We also received a patent (US Patent 20160157996) for this innovation.

Helped in the design and development of Ultrasert at Alcon. Before this product, if a surgeon was not careful enough the lens could launch out of the delivery system at a velocity enough to damage the eye. This happens because the plunger pressure keeps rising until delivery . Simulation was performed on the non-linear plastic spring to make the pressure felt by the surgeon to be uniform while inserting the lens in the eye. This product resulted in sales of $100 Million annually.